We depend on the generous support of our listening public, and with your help, we can do more! Donations from patrons enable us to commission new music for the chorus, engage local musicians to accompany our concerts and give back to the local community in a variety of ways including awarding three annual scholarships to Austin area female high school students whose love of music sets them apart from their peers. The scholarship winners are awarded each spring. Please consider donating and becoming a patron of Tapestry today!
Thank you gifts
Supporter: Listing in program
Friend: Listing in program, 2 concert tickets
Sustainer: Listing in program, 2 season tickets
Benefactor: Listing in program, 2 season tickets, priority seating
Dreamer: Listing in program, 4 season tickets, priority seating
If you would rather mail a check:
Tapestry Singers
PO Box 49578
Austin, TX 78765-9578
Tapestry Singers is a registered non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Patron status applies for one calendar year (2 concerts).
Our Patrons
Dreamer (gold thread, $1000+)
Juli Fellows
Benefactor (silk thread, $500-999)
Barbara Wilson
Janet & Mark Williams
Judy Chrisman
Kathleen Ellis
The Burt Group
Sustainer (cashmere thread, $250-499)
Francine Crisara
Pamela & Larry Hall
Friend (linen thread, $100-249)
Amy Tanner
Carol Dochen
Cynthia White
Elizabeth Drake
Jacque Cullers
Janet Cobb
Karen Michie
Kim Birdwell
Larry Hall
Lou Ann McLean
Louise Rosenweig
Mary Stanton
Melissa Lype
Nayana Shahane
Norma Jost
Rich Armington
Susan Pinsonneault
Terry Martinez
Yvonne Dailey
Supporter (cotton thread, $50-99)
Cara Lowrimore
Carol Johnson
Donna Hoffman
Elise Ragland
Ethan Williams
Fran Avila
Jon G Montgomery
Judy Jonas
Judy Trejo
Kelli Walker
Laura Weatherford
Lisa Preister
Lon Badgett
Maggie Olmstead
Marilaine McDonald
Mary Fero
Nancy Richards
Nicole Longnion
Renee Minium
Traci Girard-Turner
Tracy Tanner