Put your advertising dollars to work! For as little as a penny a person, your business can reach out to over 350 motivated buyers from all over Austin and Central Texas. Your business will be promoted on our website, through our chorus mailing list, and at rehearsals.
Ads in the Tapestry Singers program are very reasonably priced and help cover the costs of concert production. Demonstrate your commitment to beautiful music, and the community that is created by choral singing, by buying a program ad.
Family and friends are also invited to purchase ads to honor their Tapestry Singer member(s) or to celebrate special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays or achievements.
Ad prices begin at $50 for a small ad and go up to $170 for a cover ad. All ads include a link on our web site listing of your business directly to your company web site.
Ads can be purchased from any Tapestry Singers member or by contacting us at info2sing@tapestrysingers.org.
All order forms, ads, and payments for the next 2025 program are due TBD.